To compensate for all the eating and sleeping in the summer, we incorporated some vigorous physical activities in our 5-week stay in Transylvania, Romania. One of these activities was to pay another trip to the Retezat Mountains in the Retezat National Park.

Let the photos show why the Retezat Mountains is one of the hidden treasures of Romania.


Day 1 : A 5km warmup hike after our late noon arrival at the guesthouse Cabana Pietrele (1500m altitude)

Day 2 : A 14km hike to the second highest peak at Retezat Mountains, Păpuşa Peak (2508m altitude).

Me Tourguide
1st day – Warmup hike. Fuelling up. My husband says I look like a boy!

On the second day, we hiked from the guest house at with my mother-in-law who gamely joined us until the saddle at (2280m).

Small & Forest
The start of the hike involves traversing through a steep lush mossy forest. Walking through forests like this always reminds me of Enchanted Wood, my favourite childhood book by Enid Blyton. I would not be astounded to see any of magical beings showing up anytime here.
Daniela Hike
Daniela steadily picking up way through the rocky terrain.
Passed by a Shepard with his flock of sheep.

Silviu and I continued for 30 minutes more to reach Peak Păpuşa (in Romanian, Păpuşa means “doll”. This second highest peak in the rocky Retezat Mountains does not at all possess any doll-like features!). For visitors who like to explore Romania, the best way is to hit the mountains!

Lake view from Păpuşa Peak
View from Păpuşa Peak at 2508m.

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